Billy Goat F1302SPH Self Propelled Force Blower
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Official Stockist: Billy Goat
RRP: £3,470.00
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Product Information:
The Billy Goat F1302 SPH is a commercial, professional use wheeled force blower. Fitted with a 393cc Honda engine the Billy Goat F1302 SPH is self propelled for increased productivity. Suitable for landscapers, parks, schools and large scale commercial use. The Billy Goat F13 series of force blowers have a 17", 16 bladed fan which can produce up to 200 mph. The Billy Goat patented Aim n Shoot system directs the airflow where you need it most with fingertip control and is lockable for single positions. Designed with thicker padded handles for improved operator comfort. Excellent quiet operation and best in class weight. Specifications
- Engine
- 393cc Honda commercial grade
- Drive
- Self Propelled
- Padded Handles
- Patented Aim N Shoot™ fingertip control
- Velocity
- Just under 200 mph
- 6.2 x the air volume of backpack blowers
- Discharge
- 5”
- Weight
- 75kg (165lbs)
- Warranty
- 3-year Honda engine; 1-year machine (residential and commercial) ; 5-year housing